Advanced driving does not have to be dangerous. There are many driving tips that motorsports can teach us to increase our safety and performance while on the road. You will feel more confident with driving instructors Canberra as they enhance your will power for your driving passion.
- Turns
In most cases, it is best to not corner at high speed. However, if you need to turn quickly or without too much deceleration to avoid accidents, some tricks can help.
You should not accelerate into corners unless you are confident about the road conditions and your car’s ability to handle them. When you reach the corner, let your foot go off the accelerator and accelerate only after you have completed the turn. Oversteering and losing control can result in sudden speed increases, as well as loss of control.
- Left foot brake
Although this technique is not recommended for racing, experienced drivers can use it to save lives if the car starts spinning out of control. Left foot braking can be complicated so practice in a controlled setting.
Left foot braking is simply the movement of your left foot from the clutch to the brake pedal to allow dual operation of gas and brake. This not only gives racers an advantage, but it can also allow you to exert greater control over your vehicle when in tight spots.
- Steering the wheel
Sometimes complacency can be a result of years of experience. People who have been driving for decades tend to drive with one hand on the steering wheel and their hands on the bottom. While this may work well for sitting in traffic jams, it is not ideal when you are driving in rush hour or at high speeds.
Your hands should be between 9 and 3 o’clock. Keep your grip tight on the steering wheel. This will allow you to apply precise pressure on your steering wheel while turning or adjusting the position. It also helps prevent it from getting sucked out of your grip if you happen to hit water or ice.
- The racing line
This is the racing line that a professional driver uses to get from A to B in the fastest time possible. However, this method can also be very useful for everyday commuters to improve safety. Pro drivers often find it difficult to follow the racing lines due to challenging weather conditions. They instead focus their attention on the areas that offer the greatest grip.
We are not asking you to steer your car towards the opposite traffic lane to maintain traction. Rather, we want to help you understand your racing lines and adapt them to the environment. To minimize the possibility of your car sliding, be aware of wet spots and braking properly to compensate.
- Expanding your horizons
You shouldn’t stare at the car in front of you, even if it behaves erratically. Otherwise, you won’t be able to see any danger ahead. Drivers may not be aware that too much attention to the car behind you can lead to danger. This is because it forces you to rely on that person to tell you what is safe.
The best drivers can rely on their observation skills and see as far ahead as possible. In the event of a large height difference, this could be looking at the car in front of you. However, it is more common to look through the windshield. This will allow you to see the car in front of your eyes while looking ahead for potential problems.
You can gain more driving experience by competing on the track than you would expect. While some of these techniques are easier than others, they will help you become a better driver. You will feel more confident driving your car, no matter what the road or weather.