This article is for you if you are planning to travel to London on business. This article will explain why the London riots posed a greater threat to travel than a terrorist attack. We’ll examine the danger posed by terrorist attacks, demonstrations and London riots. This article will provide you with a detailed understanding of the business travel management response required and an awareness of why it will occur again.
One of the most disruptive business travel disruptions in 2011 was caused by the London riots and demonstrations.
London Riots & Demonstrations
Many people were shocked by the London riots and demonstrations. This is not an unusual event, and it certainly isn’t unique to the UK. While the scale, violence, fire, and failure of authorities are often expected in other countries, the lack of preparedness for destinations such as the UK is widespread and commonplace. As a result, there is a lot of business travel disruptions caused by the lack of preparation and last-minute rush to respond.
Many modes and routes have been adversely affected by the disruption. It is not difficult to commute from the airport or train station. Trains and ports are also affected. Continual review of threat assessments and hazard assessment is required. To varying degrees, also, basic amenities such as emergency services, taxis, hotels, restaurants and other travel support providers have been affected.
Managers of travel and risk need to identify immediately:
- The affected areas
- Graduation of threat
- Exposed and affected (inbound and outbound), business travellers
- Arrival/departure points,
- Zones that are safe and not affected by the disasters
- There are two options for eradication or mitigation.
- Implementation costs
- Funds available,
- Support for emergencies
- There are many options for accommodation
- On-going or developing events,
- Activity, both business and social.
- Compliance requirements and insurance claims
- Cancellation criteria,
- Resumption travel criteria
- Extended event plans
- Alternatives to travel (domestic or international)
Multiple support systems for business and leisure travel were affected by the London riots. Business travel disruptions can further increase the risks, such as reduced accommodation options, congestion at airports and increased demand for public transport. Simple actions such as withdrawing money at an ATM can be a problem and will increase the danger/s.
The London riots had an extended effect on UK business travel, much more than most terrorist attacks. Additional effects such as preparations for the 2012 Olympics and planning will further contribute to their lingering effects.
Businesses that fail to plan and respond in a timely manner could be deemed negligent.
Terrorist attacks less dangerous than London riots
Except for the Mumbai terrorist attacks which caused widespread disruption to travel, the majority of these incidents have minimal impact on travellers and are limited in their effect. Terrorist attacks, which include the Mumbai terrorist attack, typically have clear threat elements (terrorists, bombings and gunfire etc), whereas the London Riots are a continuously changing threat. Business travellers are unlikely to be prepared for such decisions and will lack the experience and knowledge necessary to make safe and consistent decisions.
Modern business risk management systems are based on the location of possible event threats and then aim to educate or prepare travelers for the best results in minimizing or eliminating the dangers and hazards. The majority of business travelers will not have the knowledge or skills to deal with London’s wide-ranging disruptions and threats. Many will not have the information or preparations for similar events in other places, which are more likely to pose a medium- to high risk. Many managers and departments supporting business travel management will not be as prepared and resourceful.